Argo aims for social engagement

Rowers want contribution to society to become a fixed part of Argo.
Rowing with a tash for charity. Photo W.S.R. Argo

To achieve this goal, the association has launched a new position: external commissioner. ‘Whose job includes increasing the association’s social engagement’, says Morris Koetse, the first external commissioner.

In recent years, Argo launched, among other things, the Moustacht: an event where rowers grow (or apply) a moustache and compete for charity during Movember. They raised funds for cancer research. Additional events included sourcing canned goods, medicines, money, tents and generators for Ukraine and raising almost four thousand euros for KWF by rowing the Ringvaart regatta in Argo’s oldest boat.

‘Although we are already engaged, these charity events take place incidentally when a few members want to organise them. That is fine, but we aim to introduce a more continuous engagement with the new board.’


KSV Franciscus serves as an example. ‘Their Fiducia foundation focuses on local charities, increasing social engagement among their members.’ The annual Francerious Request is one way in which the student association contributes. Last year, 6400 euros were raised to help buy gifts for disadvantaged families in Wageningen to mark special occasions such as birthdays and Sinterklaas. ‘Social engagement is a fixed element within the association at Franciscus. We aim to follow suit.’

An Argonaut will depart for London soon to find inspiration, says Koetse. ‘Our Moustacht is an official Movember ambassador, which means one of our members is invited to learn how to organise successful charity events and how to spark people’s enthusiasm.’

Orange Rowing Regatta

Unrelated to fundraising events for charity, there are plans to revive the Orange Rowing Regatta. ‘This is a former Argo tradition where all of Wageningen competes against one another at Argo on Kings Day’, says Koetse. This annual event took place from 1970 until 2005. ‘Bringing Wageningen together to play sports is also a form of social engagement.’

Unrelated to fundraising events for charity, there are plans to revive the Orange Rowing Regatta. ‘This is a former Argo tradition where all of Wageningen competes against one another at Argo on Kings Day’, says Koetse. This annual event took place from 1970 until 2005. ‘Bringing Wageningen together to play sports is also a form of social engagement.’

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