Movember is a month in which men grow a moustache to raise awareness for men’s health. A group of Argonauts joined. Their contribution will go towards research on prostate and testicular cancer and initiatives for mental health.
The rowers raised funds through various initiatives. Participating males who preferred not to grow a moustache were asked to contribute five euros every time they shaved. Furthermore, there was the balls-for-balls drinks, were part of the proceeds of each serving of “bitterballen” contributed to the fund. The Argo board matched the sum that was raised on that evening.
Finally, to wrap up, the “Mousteight” race was held on Friday, 2 December. A competition between two boats with eight rowers and one helmsman each. The teams competed in the Wageningen marina channel under unforgiving weather circumstances. The losing team was obligated to donate an additional 50 euros. A total of four hundred euros was raised.
Photos by Guy Ackermans