Political evening in Ceres with debate

Two outgoing ministers to join Ceres and WKvV political evening.
Outgoing minister Rob Jetten. Photo Shutterstock

Student association Ceres and the Wageningen Chamber of Association (WKvV) will jointly organise a political evening running up to the elections. The evening starts with an interview with outgoing Minister Rob Jetten (Climate and Energy), followed by a debate in which outgoing Minister Christianne van der Wal-Zeggelink (Nature and Nitrogen) is also present.

Jetten will kick off the evening with an address, says Ceres president Gijs van der Neut. ‘Next, the chairman of the day and people in the audience will interview Jetten in “college tour” style.’ The second half of the evening is a debate between politicians of different parties that are up for election to the House of Representatives.

‘We currently have representatives of GroenLinks/PvdA, D66, Ja21, VVD and CDA’, says Van der Neut. ‘Christianne van der Wal of Nature and Nitrogen will be representing the VVD. We are delighted to have two ministers present in the debate and available to answer questions from the audience. We are still looking for politicians from the other parties.’

Free admittance

Ceres organised an evening with Minister  Ernst Kuipers of Public Health, Welfare and Sports as a keynote speaker last March. Van der Neut: ‘That evening was a big success.’

The political evening will take place at the student association Ceres from 19.00-22.30 hrs on Thursday, 9 November and is open for everyone in Wageningen. ‘Those who want need not register. They are welcome to drop in on the evening itself’, says Van der Neut.

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