Facemasks mandatory when moving through education building

One-and-a-half metre rule lifted, but some corona measures remain in place on the campus.
Illustration: Alfred Heikamp/Guy Ackermans

Now that the distancing measure has been lifted, the facemask rule has been reinstated for students in education buildings. Wearing a facemask is mandatory from the moment students enter the building until they take a seat in the lecture room. Only then may it be removed.

Teachers are also permitted to request students wear masks during practicals. These and other measures are detailed in a letter from Dean of Education Arnold Bregt and Rector Magnificus Arthur Mol to all students. The letter also contains information about additional measures such as:

  • One way traffic in some parts of Forum, Orion and Aurora. This includes stairwells. Because of the poor ventilation, elevators may be used only by students with mobility issues and by staff.
  • Students are requested to perform a self-test twice a week, regardless of their vaccination status. Free self-tests are available at the building entrances and may also be ordered free of charge through www.zelftestonderwijs.nl/zelftest.
  • Students who test positive within three days of any campus activity are asked to inform their programme coordinator so that the spread of the virus may be mitigated.
  • If you have a housemate who has tested positive, do not come to the campus. Self-isolation is not mandatory, but groups must be avoided, so refrain from campus education. Should this cause delays, students may contact the student deans at studentdean@wur.nl.
  • All exams are to take place on campus. Details of what to do if students are prevented from sitting exams due to corona will be released shortly.


The recent government focus on ventilation has no further consequences, according to the letter. All WUR education buildings meet the ventilation requirements and can therefore be safely used for education purposes.

Measures for cafeterias, the library and laboratories are expected soon. The ministry is currently developing said measures.

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