Student portal available on smartphone

Students can see study results, schedules and more in myWURtoday
Screenshot from the video impression of myWURtoday. Image WURtube

MyWURtoday replaces the MyPortal student portal. Users (WUR students) can select what features they want to use. Dean of Education Arnold Bregt: ‘Most contemporary students are highly mobile. This app is just what they need.’

The app provides the students with access to the student information system Osiris, in which they can sign up for courses and exams and see an overview of their study results. Moreover, they can access Brightspace to see the requirements of their course and their study schedule. Bregt: ‘The app includes a timeline with information and news that is relevant to students. The timetable is linked to Google Maps so that you always know what building your course is in.’

The app was developed in collaboration with students, Bregt explains. ‘We asked student panels what they feel students need. This input was then used in the de app’s development. Following that, the app was tested and evaluated by students. We received a lot of positive reactions. The app is available for all students as of 1 July.’


In the session in preparation for the upcoming academic year, there were some questions from the teaching staff about the app. Bregt: ‘The main concern among teachers is that they are unable to see what students see, as they do not have access to the app. I understand this is an issue, so we made a short video impression so that teachers can see what the app is all about.’

Some of the teachers also had concerns over GroupTool, a Brighspace plugin that allows teachers to split up students in smaller groups when they teach large classes. They now use Microsoft Teams for this purpose and fear that GroupTool may require extra work. The advantage of GroupTool is that it is linked to the schedule in myWURtoday so that the student is provided with a personalised timetable in the app. Bregt: ‘It is a convenient tool that can help teachers subdivide students of larger courses, but it is up to the teachers to decide whether they wish to use GroupTool.’

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