The festival in question is the Globus festival, originally scheduled for 2020 but postponed due to corona. According to the posters, the festival is to take place this year, in the weekend of 3 and 4 July, immediately following the last week of exams.
The organisers aim for a corona proof festival. But, how does one do that? And: is it even permitted? University spokesperson Annet Blanken indicates that provisional permission has been granted. This means the festival may only be held if the corona measures allow and the municipality gives permission. ‘This is not yet the case’, says Blanken. ‘Anyone wanting to organise a festival will be faced with the fact that we are unable to give definitive permission at this point.’
Nonetheless, the organisers are confident, says student Climate Studies Marijn van der Meer (22). ‘We have completely overhauled the set-up of the festival. It must be corona proof, so, instead of a standard festival, Globus will be a large terrace with live music and good food and beverages. Two people will be seated per table, and the food and drinks are served at the table. To discourage guests from moving around, they can place their order through a QR code or by phone. Moreover, there will be designated routing.’ The complete corona plan (in Dutch) is available on the Globus website.
Six hundred guests
The organisation also considers the maximum number of guests permitted. ‘Last year, some 250 people were permitted to get together outdoors. We are working with a maximum of 100 at any one time. The festival will take two days, with three time-slots per day. There will be three live performances during each time slot. All-in-all, we expect some six hundred guests to be able to enjoy the event.’
Tickets are already available. In the event the festival is cancelled, the tickets will be refunded in full. ‘This is made possible because we have booked the performers conditionally. For the materials we need, we have quotes but have not yet ordered the materials. When we are given the go-ahead, we will be able to act quickly.’

Saving the rainforest
Van der Meer is one of the initiators of the festival. ‘A friend and I decided we wanted to organise a festival of which the proceeds would benefit a charity. All of the Globus profits will be put toward buying a plot of tropical rainforest. The more people visit the festival, the larger the plot we will be able to buy.’
When the Globus 2020 edition was cancelled, it was replaced with a large online Pub Quiz that attracted two hundred participants. ‘Corona put everything on hold. This year, we are not able to achieve all our plans either, but a large terrace with live music is already a great upgrade. Next year, we hope to be able to offer the full festival.’ The organisation is still looking for new board members for the 2022 edition.