Temporary offices near Radix and Axis

The Plant Sciences and Agrotechnology & Food Science Groups will soon be putting up temporary offices near Radix and Axis to cope with growth.
Foto: Marte Hofsteenge

With the continuing rise in student numbers, all the Science Units face a growing shortage of teaching space. For this reason, a third education building is going up on the site where the StartHub is currently located. This building is set to open in September 2021.

Until then, the Animal Sciences Group (ASG) and the Environmental Sciences Group (ESG) can find ways of coping with the growth. The same goes for the Social Sciences (SSC), because there will soon be more space in the Leeuwenborch when Wageningen Economic Research moves to Atlas. But PSG and AFSG are bursting at the seams. AFSG will therefore gain an extra 1000 square metres near Axis, and PSG will gain 2000 square metres near Radix.

The board expects the AFSG’s shortage of space to continue after the completion of the third education building. The temporary office space near Axis will therefore remain in use even after 2021.

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