Column: #NietMijnSchuld

There is a campaign underway with the hashtag #NietMijnSchuld (NotMyDebt / NotMyFault – ‘schuld’ means both, ed.) The campaigners announced a while back that they…

Chlamydiabacterie leidt eenzaam bestaan in Noordelijke IJszee

Relatives of the Chlamydia trachomatis bacterium, which causes the sexually transmitted disease…

Blog: The evolution of Wageningen friendships

Blogger Donatella Gasparro analyses the changes student friendships.

The Animal Ambulance

Typical Dutch
I sometimes get the impression that the Dutch health service cuts a…

Change of plan

Who: Mirjam van Hemmen, aged 21 What: BSc Landscape Architecture and Spatial…

YOU on Campus – ‘you have to make sure the jury notices you’

Tamara Fikke (23, MSc in Biotechnology) is getting ready for her first…

Meanwhile in… Mexico

On Valentine’s Day, there were large protests in various Mexican cities against…

What pension?

Everyone employed by the university automatically builds up a pension with ABP.…

Tree rings predict the future

Researchers at WUR and their project partners have found a method for…

Blog: The Sound of Hope

Resource-blogger Angelo Braam has returned to the Netherlands after an exchange in…