Ending Birgit Boogaard’s TOTY year with AI video art and the Walk of Fame

Just one last story about the national title won by WUR teacher Brigit Boogaard for her teaching.
Birgit Boogaard bij de landelijke verkiezing van de Teacher of the Year 2023. Birgit Boogaard was elected national teacher of the year over a year ago. Photo Linde Doorenbos

Her successor was elected recently (Peter Pelzer, Utrecht University) and that means Birgit Boogaard’s term as national teacher of the year 2023 is over. To mark this, she is to be honoured with a tile on the Campus Walk of fame, and the video artwork I M U is on display in the library for six weeks.

Education dean Arnold Bregt announced earlier that Boogard would be getting a tile on the Campus Walk of Fame to honour her election nationally as Teacher of the Year (TOTY). The tile will be laid on 21 May, and will bear a quote by the South African professor of Philosophy Mogobe Ramose: ‘Education for liberation is the direst need of our time’. Ramose is one of Boogaard’s main sources of inspiration for her teaching, including her course African philosophy. And he will be present when Boogard’s tile is laid. Others who are interested are also welcome to attend the event (10:30 outside the entrance to Impulse).

Video artwork I M U

A video artwork is also on show in the library to mark the ending of Boogaard’s TOTY year. The video was made by video artist Juul van der Laan and features Professor Ramose. It consists of a kind of box that uses a mirror and AI to offer both literal and figurative reflections. The result is a 12-minute video with different content for each viewer. ‘Like a kind of individual video essay that you are part of yourself through AI. I can’t express the experience very well, but it is quite amazing. Go and see for yourself!’ says Boogaard. So that everyone gets the chance to do that, the artwork will be in the Forum library for six weeks. 

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