
‘Melting Pot is a participatory show.’
The Grote Kerk in Wageningen will serve as a dining room and concert stage on February 22. Photo Herman Stöver

Myrthe van Dok (Biology Master’s student, 22) and Jes Kallen (former International Land and Water Management student, 22) of Popcultuur Wageningen and Popupop are among the organizers of the Melting Pot cultural festival that is taking place on 22 February.

They usually only put on music but they wanted something bigger for the anniversary of Popcultuur Wageningen (an organization that promotes pop music). ‘Various ideas were suggested for celebrating our tenth anniversary. In addition to music, a friend had the idea of organizing a dinner,’ says Kallen. They soon came up with the theme of a melting pot. The event will start in the Grote Kerk with a communal dinner.

Melting Pot brings everything together: music, art, dance and a communal meal. ‘Our aim is to create a melting pot of people who wouldn’t normally talk to one another,’ says Van Dok. ‘For the dinner, we will be assigning people to seats randomly so they meet new people — not just students but also “ordinary” residents and people from the local asylum centre.’

Some of the costs will be covered by the sale of tickets for the dinner. ‘It can be hard to get students to go to cultural events if you charge admission,’ says Kallen. ‘That is why students can choose themselves which of the three ticket prices they pay for the food.’ The programme after the dinner is free, and there are also cultural activities outside the church. For example, there is a dance workshop, and music in the cafes The Doctor and Bij Roos. ‘Perhaps you could go along with the people you just met,’ says Van Dok. ‘Bringing people together and letting them experience things together was our aim from the start,’ says Kallen. ‘It will be one big participatory show.’

Melting Pot could use some more volunteers. If you are interested, send a message to @meltingpot_wageningen via Instagram.

Melting Pot
Thurs 22-02-2024, 17:30 to midnight Grote Kerk Wageningen and market
Tickets (for dinner) pay what you can 10, 15 or 20 euros
Available via Instagram: @meltingpot_wageningen


Za 17 februari 2024
Concert studentenorkest De Ontzetting
Grote Kerk in Wageningen
20:15 uur; Tickets 10 of 7,50 euro

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0317 Winter Rave Festival
Junushoff, Plantsoen 3, Wageningen
14:00 tot 00:00 uur | Tickets 15 euro

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