The visit, which took place on Thursday, 31 August, is part of a tour of the region that also took Willem-Alexander and Máxima to Nijkerk, Barneveld, Scherpenzeel and Ede. The day ended in Wageningen at student association SSR-W’s Sela society.
‘The king and queen were eager to talk with students’, says SSR-W chair Ingrid Verkerk. ‘The visit organisers were looking for an authentic student environment in the city centre and we have a beautiful, well fenced off garden. Convenient because you must be able to keep uninvited guests at bay.’
An event of this kind takes quite some work. To ensure everything would go well, a rehearsal was held on 28 August with the sixteen students who were to meet the royal couple. ‘Not to practice the conversations, but to get rid of some of the pressure’, Verkert says. ‘Having the royal couple visit is, of course, a unique event.’
High five
Tension mounts in and around the SSR-W property at around two in the afternoon. Neighbouring residents wait along the Generaal Foulkesweg, hoping to catch a glimpse of Willem-Alexander and Máxima. Kids huddle near the entrance expectantly. Perhaps they can high-five the king or queen? The building itself is uncharacteristically clean. Even the odour of stale beer has been skilfully removed. Journalists pick up their press badges and push and shove to acquire the best spot for their photo or video. Security checks bags. Tables stand ready, and the outdoor bar in the large garden is open. Showtime!
We started the discussion on healthy food and how we can encourage people to consume less meat
SSR-W chair Sigrid Verkerk
Shortly after, Willen-Alexander and Maxima exit the bus while the children cheer loudly. After a brief welcoming statement by Mayor Floor Vermeulen and Verkerk, the couple is ushered inside for the dialogue. While journalists circle the tables to get the best shots, the king talks with four international students. The conversation is lively and fast. Following the king’s question on what motivated the students to come to Wageningen for their studies, the topic quickly shifts to strawberry season. Strawberries are available throughout the year, but according to the king, they taste best when in season. ‘The king is an easy discussion partner’, Verkerk says. ‘We started the discussion on healthy food and how we can encourage people to consume less meat. He smoothly switched topics towards farms in the Netherlands.’
Royal tie
After two ten-minute sessions, it’s time to wrap up. Still, there is a small deviation from the strict schedule after the mayor’s farewell address. Verkerk: ‘I had agreed with the mayor that I would ask the king and queen to sign an SSR-W association tie. They did, which is great. We are going to frame it.’