A little digging in the archives sometimes yields quite some treasures. All editions of Resource magazine from the 2015-2016 academic year are available online on our site in the Magazine menu.
Why did students occupy the university’s main building for almost a month in 1980? And what was Arthur Mol’s view on his position as rector magnificus after the first six months of his tenure? Whether you have been in Wageningen for many years of have recently arrived, a nostalgic trip down memory lane is always fun.
2016: Refugees
Refugees were a topic of conversation in 2016. Masters’ students Marit de Looijer and Renee Middendorp travelled to Melilla and Lebanon for they master’s thesis to observe the lives of refugees. ‘It rained, it was cold and the men, women and children were barefoot. Their situation was so hopeless.’ Read the article here.
2019: Pike
There were eight cute swan chicks in 2019 also. But, as is the case in the song about fish swimming to the sea, their numbers soon dwindled. The culprit? The Forum Pond pike. Was this nature at work, or should the pike suffer capital punishment for its sins?

2018: Occupation
Occupying university buildings is not new. In 1980 the university headquarters, located on the Salverdaplein in Wageningen at the time, occupied for weeks. The protesters opposed the governments austerity plans and demanded changes in Wageningen’s education.
2019: Wolf
Wolves were sighted slightly less than now in 2019. But that did not affect the discussion in the matter. Why does the animal give rise to so many emotions?
2016: Hard to get rid of
Study in Wageningen for a few years and then leave. Forget it. Many alums stay in Wageningen, many also return after a few years. What makes Wageningen so attractive?

2017: Roots
When you repot a plant, you will sometimes see that the roots have adopted the shape of the pot. Can plant roots take on other shapes as well? Artist Diana Scherer makes geometrical plant root art, and even a dress.
2018: Heat in the city
It is currently searing hot in Southern Europe. How do you keep cities cool as the Earth heats up? Landscape architect Wiebke Klemm on trees and shrubs as nature’s air conditioning.
2015: Arthur Mol
Arthur Mol was newly appointed as rector in 2015, with just six months on the job. What was his view of the position? ‘I must take care not to lock myself up in Atlas. I travel a lot less than before.’