Birgit Boogaard shortlisted for the national Teacher of the Year election

Is WUR’s best teacher also Netherlands’ best?
Birgit Boogaard receives the award for Wageningen’s teacher of the year. Photo Guy Ackermans

Four assistant professors, including one from WUR, have been shortlisted for the national Teacher of the Year 2023 election. They are Ed van Beeck (Erasmus University), Erik-Jan Broers (Tilburg University), Jim Portegies (TU Eindhoven) and Wageningen’s teacher of the year Birgit Boogaard. The Dutch National Students Association (ISO) announced the shortlist today. The outcome of the election will be made public on 24 April.

The national election is organised by the Dutch National Students Association (Interstedelijk Studenten Overleg – ISO) and the Comenius Network, a teacher’s network. This year, the election focuses on how teachers stimulate students’ development, says ISO chair Terri van der Velden. ‘Some teachers are remembered for years because they meant a lot to the student. A teacher who does not simply transmit information, but who actively supports and mentors students in their development.’ Boogaard certainly fits that description, if reactions and atmosphere Resource saw during the final lecture in her African Philosophy course.

The four finalists were selected by a jury of five members, two teachers and three students. The winner will receive the honorary title Teacher of the Year, an honorary position in the Comenius Network, and a grant to spend on teaching innovation.

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