Campus companies: Cano-ela

There are about 100 companies on campus. We introduce you to one of them in every issue of Resource. This time it’s Cano-ela in Plus Ultra II.

Currently, food companies use canola oil to create foods like mayonnaise. They extract the oil from seeds in a long, complex process in which half of the canola (a kind of rapeseed) is wasted. The Wageningen start-up Cano-ela has developed a better process. It isolates all oil, fibres, proteins, vitamins and minerals from the canola, using a new extraction process with water. The fibres can be used in bread, the proteins in meat substitutes, and the oil in mayonnaise and salad dressings. ‘All the components are used, so we don’t have any waste,’ says Juliana Romero.

All the components are used, so we don’t have any waste

Juliana developed the new extraction process during her PhD research in the Food Process Engineering group. This process is the basis of her company Cano-ela, which she founded at the start of this year. With a team of three people, she is developing the company further in the Starthub in Plus Ultra II. She is currently talking to food companies about supplying ingredients derived from canola (or other oil-rich seeds). She is also looking for investors for a pilot plant to scale up the extraction process. Estimated costs: 700,000 euros.

Romero has high expectations. ‘This processing technology can produce functional, sustainable and healthy foods.’ Students should note that she will be looking for interns in the coming year to help develop the products and business.

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