This is how I work from home: Femke Jansen

WUR is working en masse from home. There’s no choice for now. And we are all making do. Femke Jansen, PhD candidate in Hydrology and Quantitative Water Management shares her experiences.
Photo: Femke Janssen

‘I share a house with five others. Some of them are not at home during the day, or they work in their rooms. I like to work at the kitchen table with one of my housemates. I notice that I can concentrate better if someone else is working in the room.  And we can take a break for a chat now and then. That variation is important. If I’m on my own, I get distracted more easily.

 Yesterday afternoon I worked in the garden with my housemates  

As a PhD student I can carry on my work reasonably well at home. I’m working on my laptop now but I do miss my big screen and if I want to print something I go to the photocopying shop. Tomorrow I’ve got to supervise a digital computer practical in the virtual classroom, so I’m just going to figure out how you do that. One advantage is that I can decide for myself how I use my time. So yesterday afternoon I worked in the garden with my housemates and then in the evening I can get back to my work refreshed.’ 

This is the fifth part of a series on working from home during the corona crisis. The editorial staff calls a WUR colleague every day to find out how things are going. The illustration is (of course) a selfie or a snapshot taken by a housemate. Would you like to participate? Mail or share via #WURkfromHOME.


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