Vrouw met overwicht staat te koken

Future scenario: eat according to your personal metabolism

Metabolism profile determines which diet offers the most health benefits.
studentenfeest uitgaan

Symposium on substance use is coming to Wageningen

Various perspectives on drug use during the symposium ‘What is your limit?’

Fibre for a healthier life with diabetes

Does dietary fibre improve the health of people with type 2 diabetes?

Cooking with research results in primary school

Primary school students are taught healthy cooking by a real chef.

Beating malnourishment with traditional drinks

Traditional Zambian drinks such as mabisi and munkoyo could help children get…

Master’s student Pepijn Heerkens Thijssen is looking for a kidney donor: ‘Dialysis is such a drag’

When you meet him, Pepijn Heerkens Thijssen seems just like any other…

Lucky bamboo source of mosquitos that can cause diseases

What do lucky bamboo and second-hand car tyres have in common? They…