Two new names on Teacher of the Year-longlist – update

The long list for the election of Teacher of the Year has been made public. Two new names are featured on the list: Arnold van…

Fifty shades of green

Wageningen is bursting with green clubs, associations and activist groups. In fact,…

Student Challenge visit to China cancelled

The plan for participants in the Urban Greenhouse Challenge to pay a…

WUR employee starts Interim Year fund for prospective students

If you are not sure what to study, you can take an…

New: the Vegan Student Association

There is a new association in town for everyone interested in a…

Student wins a year tuition fee with plan for ‘potato fish’

Master student Food Technology Nicolas Curubeto (27) from Argentina won the Avebe…

Coronavirus-related bigotry shocks Chinese students

Last weekend, the Bornsesteeg student flats were daubed with hateful texts such…

Drowning in bills… for something you already paid for

Imagine coming home to a pile of bills, fines and letters threatening…

‘The coronavirus is not a joke’

The coronavirus has been dominating headlines for weeks. Chinese WUR-students Jioyou Liu…

‘We Are Going to Organise the Largest Aid Cantus Ever’

Although the winter Annual Introduction Days (AID) are scheduled for 10 to…