De rente op studieleningen loopt flink op, voorspelt het Financieele Dagblad

Interest on student loans increases to 2.5 per cent

‘This is the umptieth financial blow for students’, say student organisations.

Speech from the Throne: equal opportunities start with decent education

No policies were announced, but education and research were mentioned.

Exploring the future of education shows a myriad of political options

Should education better align with the employment market, societal challenges or individual…

Fall of the cabinet: which plans will be put on hold?

What plans will be continued is to be put to a vote…

Analysis: Tension cabinet palpable in education ministry

The most disputed topics were refugees and internationalisation.

Mark Rutte wanted liberal gusto in higher education

On the impact of 13 years Mark Rutte on higher education.

University staff to receive a 9 per cent pay bump

University employees are to receive a structural salary increase and a one-off…
Afsluitend feest AID 2022, Foto Marieke Enter

House of Representatives wants Me Too lessons during the introduction weeks

WUR focused on the issue during the 2022 AID and will ‘certainly…

Run on new basic student grant

Several tens of thousands of students and prospective first-year students have already…
Hoe bescherm je kennis op een plek die juist bedoeld is om kennis te delen?

Screening knowledge security won’t work, says Argos investigation

Discrimination is looming when screening international researchers.