Book to save Sumatran tiger

Student Sem Stroop gives wildlife rangers a voice in his book.
Photo Athéna Besancon

Although a Netflix series on nature conservation sparked it, the book is now available in the library of Wageningen. Communications Sciences student Sem Stroop wrote and published a book on the Sumatran tiger. ‘I had to spread the message.’

His book Jambi, De laatste Sumatraanse tijgers (Jambi, the last Sumatran tigers) aims to give a voice to rangers across the globe and show readers just how crucial nature conservation is. ‘I saw the documentary during the COVID pandemic, and I simply felt I had to do something. I had to spread the rangers’ message. They form the frontline; their lives are at stake. Between 100 and 200 rangers perish each year.’

The book tells the story of seventeen-year-old Akash, a boy growing up in Jambu, the capital of the Sumatran province, of the same name. One day, he sees an advert calling on youngsters to become rangers to protect the 25 last remaining Sumatran tigers, all of which inhabit Jambi’s last remaining forest. ‘Akash and the others are trained to become rangers. They learn how to identify and arrest poachers. That is when the adventure begins.’

I walked the streets of Jambu for hours using Google Maps

Stroop started gathering information in preparation for his book. ‘I walked the streets of Jambu for hours using Google Maps to get a sense of the environment. What the houses look like, the trees, the buildings.’ He started writing in April and finalised his manuscript in August, just before he started his studies. ‘After that, I had to look for a publisher, which took a long time, which explains why the book was only published in 2022.’ He started out by approaching large publishers, but they did not have room for debuting novelists. ‘I encountered Bookscout on the internet, a publisher that aims to give first-time writers a chance. The book is now available in thirteen libraries in the Netherlands.’

Stroop has a few tips for students with writing ambitions. ‘You will find numerous blogs and videos online with advice, for example, on how to structure a story. A proper flow of tension generally works well. And start with proper research before diving in. However, the most important thing is to make it your own story about which you feel good!’

Sem Stroop’s book will soon be available in the library of Wageningen, bblthk.

Text Athéna Besancon (student editor Resource)

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