
Blog: There is something truly magnificent about stress

Stress. It makes people super productive, says blogger Kaavya Raveendran. We get so many things done in such little amount of time that it really sometimes makes her wonder whether she will ever do anything if she never has the stress to complete it.

© Sven Menschel

Exams, in general, can be quite scary, it is normally that phase where you should be studying but you really want to do anything but that. Suddenly sleep becomes your best friend and junk food your go to. But when the ultimate bait falls into our sight, that is, the evening after our last exam day, we somehow find the courage to push ourselves through time to get the unattainable, ‘Dobby’s Sock’. We grind and grind through tough chapters and slides to pass the tests and finally breathe out saying, ‘Dobby is freeeeeeee…’. Now since I have clearly established that I am a Harry Potter fan, I would also like to say that even though I want to believe in magic, all my failed attempts to make exams go away with all the spells I knew, make me think otherwise.

Stress bucket

Exam season has a unique way of filling our stress bucket. We usually think it’s the complicated literature and theories, but almost every time it’s just lethargy. Topping all of this is our human tendency to push everything to the last resort. That horrific night before the exam day, when we shake, we panic and we lose our mind over the enormous amount of stuff we have to study in the limited amount of time left. Even in this crisis, we loyally devote some time to procrastinating over wasting valuable time earlier in that period. ‘Only if I had started earlier, or watched fewer episodes of Game of Thrones or didn’t have that never-ending conversation with that long lost friend,… ‘ and the list goes on.

We usually think it’s the complicated literature and theories, but almost every time it’s just lethargy.

But we can’t deny that there is something truly magnificent about Stress. It makes people super productive. We get so many things done in such little amount of time that it really sometimes makes me wonder whether I will ever do anything if I never have the stress to complete it. We don’t drive deadlines anymore, the deadlines drive us. Only when we are cornered we force ourselves to do difficult things like studying or doing other long pending tasks.

Nudge our brain

I agree, it’s difficult for our brain to choose to do difficult tasks over the easier ones but we all know that life is all about making the right choices. But you know what, we can nudge our brain to do the ‘right’ tasks at the ‘right’ time by being flexible with it. As a student myself, I am a strong believer of planning. I plan my period in such a way that I give myself the opportunity to do everything, along with the space to try something new every period. This way I keep both my brain and heart satisfied and not give them the opportunity to complain at the eleventh hour.

Life is too short and far way too valuable to just stress your way out. So just pull the trigger and shoot the stress bucket so that no amount of stress can ever fill it up. Do things you like, and when you like, so that when it’s time to study you don’t struggle but choose to do it. Like I said life is about making choices, make the ones which make you happy!

Kaavya Raveendran studeert Food Technology en is de nieuwe blogger op resource-online. Bekijk hier haar kennismakingsvideo.

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