Typical Dutch

A most wanted item

Since I came to Netherland one and a half years ago, I have always used portable bike lights because of their practicality. And since then, I have lost at least three of them. Almost every time I forgot to take them off my bike, they were gone when I got back.

illustratie Henk van Ruitenbeek

The last time I lost my lights was when I went to church. It was quiet and already night so I thought my bike lights would be safe, since there was no one around. But after I came back, they were gone, and I had to cycle home without lights, hoping no police would be out patrolling.

Your belongings are safe in the Netherlands. With one exception: your bike light

Another time, I unintentionally left my wallet on the bus from Amsterdam to Volendam. I was in a panic, since all of my ID and bank cards were in there. The customer service lady of the bus company informed me that they post all items of lost property on their website so I had to check it myself. When I did that, I saw a lot of lost mobile phones and handbags, but not my wallet. Luckily the next day, a lady contacted me on Facebook, saying that she had found my wallet and wanted to return it to me. I was so grateful because nothing in my wallet was lost when I got it back. Many of my friends have told me Dutch people are very honest. And I definitely agree. Your belongings are safe here. There is one exception however: your bike light.

Earlyn Yaputra, an MSc student of Food Technology student from Indonesia

Do you have a nice anecdote about your experience going Dutch? Send it in! Describ an encounter with Dutch culture in detail and comment on it briefly. 300 words max. Send it to and earn twenty-five euros and Dutch candy.

NL: Lampjes

Nederlanders staan onder de Indonesische studenten in Wageningen bekend als eerlijke mensen. En dat klopt in grote lijnen, weet Earlyn Yaputra uit ervaring. Toen ze haar portemonnee eens in de bus liet liggen, bracht een vrouw die naar haar terug – met alles er nog in. Er is alleen één voorwerp dat in Nederland niet veilig is: de fietslamp. Earlyn is er in anderhalf jaar tijd al drie kwijtgeraakt. ‘Bijna altijd als ik vergeet de lampjes van mijn fiets te halen, zijn ze verdwenen als ik weer terugkom.’

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