
Blog: My kind of place

Plunging into the tortuous labyrinth of environmental governance, with all its ins, all its outs, and all its what-have-yous, or into any other WUR study subject, for that matter, demands nothing less than a rigorously fitting working atmosphere.
Leonardo Medina Santa Cruz

Alas, no such place has ever been found on campus. That is, until now.

These academic sacred grounds show none of the annoying quirks so overwhelmingly present in other buildings. Unlike Lumen, there are plenty of working spaces, but not too many.

It favourably lacks the ever-sustained singsong of Forum´s common area, or the unnatural stillness of its library. Here, I have never run into the elitist exclusivity of Axis, or the mysteries of Helix. What the hell goes on in there, anyway?

The place is not crammed with teachers, as Radix always is. And the often too strong temptations of the beer sold at Orion’s The Spot shall never again disrupt my well-intentioned studies.

The surrounding sound is flawless. Neither too high, nor too low. Perfect.

There are hardly any chairs around. But rather soft, comfy couches incapable of cramping up your butt during those day-long reading sprees. Ideal also for the absent-minded moments when one wishes only to look out the window and wonder at the myriad plant species in the building’s garden. Or the occasional cat in pursuit of a rabbit-lunch which he’s never even close to snatching, fortunately.

I particularly enjoy the very informative lunch lectures discussing manifold subjects. From the future of WUR’s lecture logistics, to the future of tuna fisheries in the North Sea. And if those weren’t enough: there will often be a piano player ready to show off his or her skills and further expand my musical culture.

Oh! I almost forgot the food. That equally priced but infinitely better food than that in Forum or Orion. Same recipes, but with the notable exception of what I suspect is the secret ingredient: love, of course.

What is this marvellous place, you ask. Full of comfort and decent lighting and green landscapes and culture and good food and love. Okay, quiet down my dear friend, I’ll tell you.

From this point forward, or at least during my remaining 3 months at WUR: call me an Impulse man.

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