Student life

YOU on campus (13)

Claire Borst (20) is a student of Business and Consumer Science, and a real ‘WaYo’ (Wageningen Youth). She has lived in this town all her life. Well, almost. ‘For the first two years of my life I lived in Bennekom.’
Annie Berendsen

Photo: Annie Berendsen

Claire began her school career at the G.J. van den Brink school in Wageningen. Then she had a choice between two secondary schools in Ede and the only secondary school in Wageningen; the Pantarijn school. It was not a difficult choice. ‘I didn’t really consider going anywhere else because both my brothers were at the Pantarijn.’ And in the end she didn’t even leave the town to go to university. And she hasn’t regretted that for a moment.

Ten students in Claire’s year at the Pantarijn went on to Wageningen University – ‘quite a lot!’ – but all her friends went to Utrecht, Amsterdam, Groningen and elsewhere. Claire admits that in terms of the city she would have preferred to go to Amsterdam, but it was her choice of degree programme that kept her here: the degree in Business and Consumer Studies only exists at Wageningen University.

Once Claire had decided to go to university in Wageningen, she was determined to develop her own student life. The first step, of course, was to move into her own accommodation. ‘As far as possible from my parents of course. But that is still only five minutes’ bike ride away, haha!’

It’s only five minutes by bike to my parents’ house

When she was younger, Claire always promised herself she would get away from Wageningen as soon as she could. Now she thinks differently, and she is even going to stay here for her minor next year. ‘I realize how much I have here that I value. So I’d rather go abroad when I’ve finished in Wageningen.’

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