
Deceased in Dijkgraaf

A body was found in the student building Dijkgraaf. How long the person had been there and what the cause of death is still needs to be investigated by the police.
Koen Guiking

Dijkgraaf. Photo: Joris Schaap

On 16th of October around 11 am in the morning the police found the body. They had been called by Frank van Houdt, building manager of Dijkgraaf, who had received a notification of the residents about a bad smell that same morning. When he got to room, he suspected the worst and phoned the police.

Residents of the corridor told the police that they had not seen their housemate for a while. ‘But strictly speaking this does not mean that the victim is also the resident’, says the spokesman of the police Paul Koetsier. ‘It could also have been a guest.’

‘We do not know if crime was the cause of death’, says Koetsier. The police spokesman also cannot share if it was a man or woman.

The police published the information at the end of the morning. Already around lunch time people of the press were standing outside the building. ‘We only knew since an hour ago, and now we already have a camera crew in front of the door’, said Van Houdt. He did share that Idealis will organise a meeting for the tenants.

Update 16:30: The police shares that crime was not the cause of death.

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