Column Guido Camps: Pension, part 2

'Vote if you care about having a sustainable, fair, transparent pension scheme.'
Text Guido Camps

In February 2020, I wrote a column in Resource about our ABP pension and how the pension policy is detrimental to the younger generations, who are also barely represented in the ABP’s Accountability Council.

Apart from the angry emails I received from senior readers, the column was also read by people from the Accountability Council. After talking to the List for Independent Pension Supervision (LvOP), one of the six parties represented in the council, I decided to take up the cudgels myself and stand for election to the LvOP. Can I spare the time? No. But it is so important, especially with the introduction of the new pension system, that balanced consideration is given to the interests of all generations. Every time I have doubts about the usefulness of standing for election, I think of Joke, who wrote under a tweet from the LvOP: ‘Who thinks about their pension when they are young? Way too far off. You don’t even know if you’ll reach your state pension age and what the pension system will look like in 40 years. I’m more worried about my own pension rights, with no indexation for the past 10 years.’

For example, if you earn 3500 euros gross, about 800 (!) euros goes from you and WUR as an employer to the ABP every month. So you are saving 800 euros every month for later! Surely you want that money to be properly distributed and sustainably invested? And – painful detail – 100 of the 800 euros goes into a scheme for early retirement, which you as a ‘young person’ can go whistle for. (Another agreement made by a different generation than the one that has to pay for it.)

Saving 800 euros every month for later! Surely you want that money to be properly distributed and sustainably invested?

I understand that nobody enjoys studying pensions in depth and I’m not that keen on it myself. But do prove Joke wrong and at least make the effort between April 4 and 25 to make your voice heard, whatever your age. Vote for who you want and if you care about having a sustainable, fair and transparent pension scheme, then please vote for the List for Independent Pension Supervision:

Guido Camps (38) is a vet and a researcher at Human Nutrition and OnePlanet. He also enjoys baking, beekeeping and unusual animals.

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