[The Proposition] ‘Scientists underestimate the impact of visual storystelling to amplify the societal impact of their scientific results.’

PhD candidates explain their most thought-provoking proposition. This time Nathan Meijer.

[The Proposition] ‘Efficiency is overrated in our society.’

PhD candidates explain their most thought-provoking proposition. This time Eva Huet.

[The Proposition] ‘The behaviour of an individual serves as a model for the rest of the society’

PhD candidates explain their most thought-provoking proposition. This time Barbara Vital.

[The Proposition] ‘Predatory journals burn public money’

PhD candidates explain their most thought-provoking proposition. This time Annika Tensi.

[The Proposition] ‘Social media are anti-social platforms’

PhD candidates explain their most thought-provoking proposition. This time Francesco Pancaldi.

[The Proposition] ‘AI will increasingly impact our lives, but whether it will lead to an improved quality of life is uncertain’

PhD candidates explain their most thought-provoking proposition. This time Martina Lazzarin.

[The Proposition] ‘Adding extra flavour to peanut butter requires very special grounds’

PhD candidates explain their most thought-provoking proposition. This time Janneke Elzinga.

[The Proposition] ‘Too much wisdom is bad for creativity’

PhD candidates explain their most thought-provoking proposition. This time Tom Theeuwen.

[The Proposition] ‘The requirement for PhD propositions outside of science is fundamentally elitist of the candidate and the university.’

PhD candidates explain their most thought-provoking proposition. This time Ben Auxier.

[The Proposition] ‘Limited freedom in proposition compilation renders the added value for a PhD thesis obsolete.’

PhD candidates explain the most thought-provoking proposition in their thesis. This time…